主演:英格玛·伯格曼 哈里特·安德森 毕比·安德松 马丁·斯科塞斯
不好看影视支持手机高清电影在线观看《乐园影像》,请扫描头像旁边的二维码观看!或者右下角二维码按钮!希望您能喜欢。 In the early fifties Ingmar Bergman got himself a cine-camera, a 9.5 mm Bell & Howell, which he often used both privately and in his work. "Bilder från lekstugan" ("Images from the Playground") embark on these films, giving a diverse representation of one of the greatest artists in cinema.© 2012-2025 www.buhaokan.com E-Mail:buhaokan123@foxmail.com